Reasons to Apply for an Apostille if You Plan to Trademark Your Goods or Services in the United Arab Emirates

Updated on: 16 Sep 2022

For worldwide use, official seals and signatures on legal documents like birth, death, and marriage certificates must have an apostille, which is a certificate that confirms their legitimacy. An apostille essentially verifies a certificate's legitimacy.

When a document from one country must be produced in another as part of a legal process, an apostille is helpful. It is only necessary in cross-border transactions if the country is a signatory to the apostille treaty or if it is required by its legal system.

When is the use of an apostille certificate necessary?

States that are parties to the Multilateral Hague Convention exchange the apostille. Verify that both the nation you are visiting and your own are signatories to this convention. The Apostille Convention had 115 participants as of August 2018. The majority of European nations, including India, China, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the United States, have ratified the Hague Convention. Understanding the situations that can require the issuance of an apostille is crucial. An apostille might be necessary if:

·      The nation that issued the apostille is a party to the apostille agreement.

·      The apostille agreement is signed by the nation in which you must utilise the certificate attestation.

·      The nation where you obtained the material assesses it for public use as part of the legal process.

·      The nation where you must use the file needs an apostille to recognise it as a foreign public document.

·      expert service To assist you in processing any paperwork you need, the company should have access to all government departments.

It should be emphasised that a public document must have an apostille in order to be used in another nation

However, it might not be essential if the country where you need to utilise the document no longer requires an apostille or has lowered its need.

Another possibility is that, as a result of an agreement between them and the nation that issued the certificate, the nation where the certificate will be used has exempted the commercial certificates from that particular legal obligation.

Importance of trademarking in the UAE


A product's legitimacy is established through trademark registration. Establishing your brand's legal ownership through trademark registration

Most of the time, trademark rights are established by registration. Limited trademark rights based on trademark use may be achievable in some countries, but in the majority of countries, this is either not possible or very challenging. Generally speaking, in order to fully own your brand legally, you must register your trademark.

Your freedom to operate is increased by trademark registration.

It's possible (or possibly even likely) that someone else will register a name similar to your trademark in another country if you don't register it. The bulk of disputes are deliberate. Approximately 15,000 trademark applications are submitted each day. You're not the only one who is likely pondering a specific name. It may become exceedingly difficult and expensive if someone registers a name that sounds similar in a nation that is important to you.

Trademark registrations make your rights known to everyone else.

By registering your trademark, you make it widely accessible for other businesses to identify and take into account. By registering your trademark, you lessen the chance that someone will violate your rights.

Save cash

A reasonably cost kind of property rights are trademarks. Whether you are accused of infringement or you are the one who is making the accusation, registering your trademarks will save you money in the event of a legal conflict. It doesn't really matter who is ultimately right if your rights are infringed because it will cost both parties money and other resources.

Boost your collaborative efforts

Your brand needs to be safeguarded since local partners in many nations, notably in many Asian nations, demand it. Why? Additionally, they are risking their reputation, money, and resources by making your products available to their own customers and clients in their nation. They could potentially be dropped and split locally if your trademark is not registered. The local partner will get the impression that you don't care about safeguarding your trademark rights. By defending the interests of your local partners by safeguarding your trademark, you may draw far better partners.

Boost the value of your brand

The value of your brand increases with trademark registration. One of three elements that go into the creation of the ISO standard is registered trademarks (10668:2010).

Ensures Brand Recognition

The ability to recognise your brand is one of the benefits of trademarking it. Your trademark will set you apart from the competition.

It will eventually become your identity if you have a logo or a phrase that is utilised to define the goods or services that your company offers.

People will start to link your trademark to your brand. This will help you stand out from the crowd in your particular product or service industry.

The company should keep in mind that when developing a trademark, it needs to be distinctive and appealing to its target market. Even the logo for your company could end up as a trademark.

Some documents require apostille certification.

The following are some of the most frequent papers that need an apostille:

·      Passports

·      Certificates of birth.

·      Marriage licences.

·      Marriage licences.

·      Certificates of death

·      Court records in documents.

·      Notarial agreements

·      Documentation for administration, etc.


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